A quick ‘public service’ announcement before we dive in. Please keep in touch. Any of the action buttons on my page will send me an email, and put you on our list so you never miss a blog. Thanks.
You know that last eclipse cycle we just went through that was such a soul twister? Especially that last lunar part on May 5? The energy built and built, and boom! Then came the fade into the known unknown. If I remember right, weren’t Mercury and some of the deep planets retrograde, or some such ragnarok kind of combination? (Obvs, astrology is not my strong suit).
Funny asides here. I thought the ragnarok line was brilliant, and when I went to double check the date of the eclipse, I noticed a link to Ragnarok Eclipse. I didn’t confirm that it was about the same one, just thought it was interesting. Recently we’ve had a few with enough shake-up juju to earn the title.
Also funny. Spell check doesn’t recognize Ragnarok. I thought programmers were all nerds.
Well, back to the eclipse. Holy stars and garters and little fishes, (an ‘inside’ reference to occult practices within the royal family, in case you didn’t know). It ripped the freakin’ bandages off my oldest wounds. I’m still recovering, but OMGDDSS, am I grateful for the sunshine!
Growth is sometimes uncomfortable, though, especially when It means exposing tender skin. My experience of spiritual transformation has been bliss, and for the value of my time on this earth, I can’t imagine a better treasure. Yet it has its own price. As one emerges from cocoon after cocoon, we go through phases of weakness and needing to dry our wings in the sun. We must be patient with ourselves and each other.
After that last, and for me most powerful, eclipse, I was left with sensitive parts exposed, not large or dangerous, simply not yet trained to withstand the slings and arrows of my ego/mind, I clutched once more at old ways of thinking and of being. I revisited their costs, but from a new level of clarity and with less judgement.
As old feelings surfaced, the exposure became a mechanism for further training in mindful living. Graças a Deus.
Yes, you keep hearing me say this, but I don’t recognize myself anymore, again. I grow stronger and stronger in the art of using everything that comes my way for the highest good. If that sounds sappy, I don’t care. The greatest joy on earth is that which is shared, and I want all of the sweetness I can get.
I was lucky enough to hear Maya Angelou say from the stage, “Try to be the rainbow in somebody’s cloud.” We can DO that for each other, my brothers and my sisters. For me to say that to you is no surprise, but for me to find the inner firmness and resolve to spread this possibility as widely as I feel called to do, now that’s miraculous.
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