This is as serious as the reverberation of the ice cracking at the end of winter
It’s the prequel. In fact, it’s pre-season. The schedules haven’t even been printed up yet. But we’re in progress. The quest to liberate the humanity from the tyranny of toxic guilt, shame, and blame, aka, The HeartPower Breakthrough, is underway.
You see, I’m all about keeping it real, and I like that “quest to liberate humanity” verbiage, but it does have a bit of that old school hyperbole to it.
The fog of guilt used to hide the stars and the fear of shame set my agenda. Can you imagine how grateful I am to tell you that this is only a memory now? Blame and resentment used to come between me and those I love. The better I get at communicating with kindness and honesty, the less frequent this is, and the more quickly it resolves.
Have you ever put off making an appointment to get your eyes checked? Sometimes a new pair of glasses makes things so sharp and clear that you’re amazed. Suddenly you realize how blurry your world has been.
The pain of guilt, shame, and blame can suck all the joy out of life, yet they’re a built-in features of this human experience. They play a valuable role in helping us learn to be good family. But like fire, they can be as destructive as they are helpful.
Here’s my vision. I want to start with a focus group. I intend to post HeartPower Breakthrough blogs every two weeks, followed by an online discussion on a live platform. I’m looking for a handful of people, say between four and six, to be part of an ongoing discussion group.
The job of the group will be to help me edit and refine the published material and plan next steps. The reframing and mindfulness practices that helped me might show up differently for you.
We’re going to start with a discussion of ego and identity. It seemed a little strange when this approach occurred to me. After all, this is about guilt, so wouldn’t we start with integrity and forgiveness?
But then, you already know that in order to relieve your guilt you need to forgive yourself, and others and clean up your integrity. That’s not news. If knowing that would have fixed the problem, you already would have done it. Hurt people hurt people. The solution starts with getting clear on the magnificence of your core essence.
Come and play? Personal, social, and global transformation are at stake. Now THAT’S a game worth playing.